Change the Way You Work with Construction Software for Consultants

Consulting, designing, and managing projects is just a small part of what you do. Your team also needs to track information, manage documents and versions and co-ordinate communication and processes. Viewpoint For Projects is software for construction that is designed to make BIM easier with customizable tools and features.

Viewpoint Software for Consultants Gives You Complete Control

Solution Painpoint Icon Connected Team

Collaborate At Every Level

Viewpoint software for consultants is a suite of solutions that is designed to include everyone who works on your projects. Track everything that happens inside your team and with other professionals, clients, contractors, and suppliers.

Solution Painpoint Icon Big Launch

Save Time and Increase Profits

Identifying, mitigating, and managing risks on your projects is the key to increasing profitability. Viewpoint For projects gives you a digital bird’s eye view of every project, so you can spot potential problems before they happen. Why wait for things to go wrong before you take action?

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Simplifying BIM and Other Standards

Fully understand and manage compliance with construction standards and regulations. Viewpoint for Projects makes it easy to work through BIM other standards and ensure your projects are in full compliance.

One of the significant benefits of Viewpoint is the workflows, because that can help the project manager and design team with regard to sign-off of stage 2,3, and 4 reports. That saved a significant amount of time in regard to gaining approval.

Project Director, Turner & Townsend

Cloud-Based and Secure

We understand that confidentiality is of paramount importance to our clients and their teams. That’s why we’ve built the best granular security permissions into all of our consultant software solutions. With Viewpoint, you have complete control over every user, all the time.

Track Everything

As a consultant, you know that if it’s not in writing, it didn’t happen. Viewpoint’s software for consultants and engineers allows you to track everything that happens on every site. Save conversations, view document versions and issue instructions all from one easy to use dashboard.

Single Source of Truth

Viewpoint not only serves as a single source of truth for your team, but it also integrates with everything. So, you no longer have to switch from one platform to another and risk inaccurate data transfer.

Field View is really helpful—not just for me, but it makes contractors' lives easier, not reading paper copies and matching photos to notes.

Construction Manager, Mace

Simple, Intuitive Consultant Software

Over the many years that we’ve been building the Viewpoint suite of tools, one thing that has been constant is the understanding that trying to work with a patchwork of tools, spreadsheets, emails and more impedes productivity, increases errors, and eats into profits.

That is exactly why we built our consultant software tools to integrate seamlessly, so you can get everything done on one platform.

Save time, limit human error and track absolutely everything. We can show you how.

Do You Have Foremost Questions?

Viewpoint has a solution. We’d be glad to talk about how Viewpoint may fit your needs as a consultant.

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