Owner in Construction

Build a strong construction leadership foundation. Retain employees and complete projects on time and within budget.

The end result? Happy clients and increase in construction profit margin.

Challenges Facing Leaders in the Construction Industry

From improving client relations to creating better employee experiences while managing the most efficient construction project margin — this isn’t an easy task. With so much to focus on, streamlining with construction management software proves vital in reducing risk and improving profit margin.

Solution Painpoint Icon Handshake

Keeping Clients Happy

Estimating job cost and project timelines can be a challenge and leading to poor construction customer service. Without clear visibility into reports that are updated in real-time, it’s impossible for office and field team members to know the progress of a project until a deliverable is overdue, a job cost is over estimated—and a client is unhappy.

Solution Painpoint Icon Construction Field Worker

Keeping Employees Happy

Hiring qualified construction employees during the construction labor shortage is one challenge, but retaining good employees is another. Lack of access to real-time data can cause delays, misunderstands and overall frustrations. This impacts collaboration with other stakeholders and ultimately, employee retention.

Solution Painpoint Icon Graph With Trendline

Profit Margin

Happy clients and routinely successful projects have one more even greater result: increased revenue. Without a seamless communication between office and field teams, collaboration and insight into real-time data, the entire organisation can suffer, leading to missed revenue and profit margin goals.

Embrace Technology in Construction and Overcome Leadership Challenges

You can keep clients happy, retain employees and improve profit margins by establishing leadership best practices and implementing modern EPR construction management software.

Improve Customer Satisfaction

By implementing real-time efficiencies, allowing the field and the office to communicate and collaborate and ensure that every project has the latest information backing decisions, projects can be completed on time and within budget. That equals a happy client.

Since implementing Viewpoint in our business, it's allowed us to analyse our data a lot better, therefore allowing me to make better decisions as the business owner.

Declan White, Director, Monford Group

Keep Qualified Construction Employees

Modern construction technology tools brings everyone involved in a project together to see relevant data in real-time, provide simple ways to automate communication and workflows — helping contractors work smarter and more efficiently. This eliminates frustration, meaning happy employees and an increase in retention.

Increase Revenue

By fostering a collaborative environment — complete with real-world, real-time insight and detailed analytics—modern construction technologies provide construction owners and leaders the best possible scenario for continually increasing revenue.

Viewpoint Has Solutions for Owners in Construction

We’d be glad to answer your questions about what would work best for your organisation.

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