Construction Service Management

Drive growth and stabilise business with a streamlined service management solution

ViewpointOne's service management capabilities help specialty builders replace manual processes and paperwork with an easy-to-use mobile solution for better business insight, operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

What problems do builders with service businesses face?

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Disorganised Work Orders

Service managers struggle to prioritise field work orders when relying on paper forms. Techs in the field often don't receive data when it's needed, slowing productivity, causing satisfaction issues and delaying billing.

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Little Visibility Into Business Needs

Without an analytics tool to see key performance indicators, it’s impossible to have the data necessary to look at costs and profits across the service business to predict your labor needs.

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Field Techs Aren’t Empowered

Without the ability to access job details from the field, technicians are required to perform manual processes to input data back to the office, taking longer, driving customer satisfaction down and costs up.

Smooth Cash Flow — And Grow Your Employees — With Better Service Management

Scalable, customisable and fully integrated, ViewpointOne service management solutions give you the insights needed to properly manage and grow your service business for year-round cashflow.

Better Business Insight to Fixing Problems

ViewpointOne provides a single analytics tool to gives you a clear picture, with key performance indicators that are customisable based on your business needs. Use realtime data to drill down into costs and profits, and improve labor and materials predictions.

Streamlined Dispatch & Work Order Processes

ViewpointOne gives you the power to automate workflows. Fill work orders, coordinate dispatch calls, schedule and manage technicians and deploy information to techs in the field from one integrated solution.

Service Technicians Become Service Managers

Viewpoint connects the field with the office. Technicians don’t have to perform a series of manual processes to input data back in the office or from the van. Instead, a mobile solution streamlines the data and workflows, syncing with the office instantly.

Improve Efficiencies & Decrease Costs

Viewpoint service management solutions help you go paperless and eliminate handwritten documents and back-and-forth phone tag so you can free up time for pleasing clients and acquiring new job opportunities.

Improved Customer Satisfaction & Retention

The best way to ensure growth is through unparalleled customer satisfaction. Provide immediate answers and invoice copies to customers with a few keystrokes and assign the same technicians to the same customers for building relationships and trust.

Stabilise Your Business & Boost Growth

Let Viewpoint provide your business better stability, operational efficiency, employee retention and customer satisfaction by streamlining your service processes today.

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