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Viewpoint Team Operational Reporting

Viewpoint Team Operational Reporting brings Vista and Spectrum Job Cost and Contract data straight to Project Managers on an easy to access Dashboard. Operational Reporting provides timely data for current projects to aid tactical day-to-day decision making. For more on Viewpoint Team and other Viewpoint solutions subscribe! "In a recent project management-focused Viewpoint webinar, a survey poll asked how often project managers get up-to-date job financials. 42% said weekly, and 38 monthly. Either way, too many are getting job financial data too infrequently. Data to keep track of spending and billing are key to a project manager's success. Without it, they're left guessing as to their gain loss versus the original contract estimate and they're over or under-billing. Common reasons for dated information is complicated query-driven reporting and a reliance on accounting or finance for information. Viewpoint Team, a web and mobile platform for project management, has a direct channel to Vista and Spectrum job cost and billing data without relying on manual processes, connectors or third parties. Construction reporting provides timely information for current projects to aid tactical day-to-day decision-making. Project summary at complete provides job costs so project managers know how much they've completed to date as well as job cost. Billings to date shows how much they've built, actual costs and percentage complete to date. This data provides a concise picture of whether project managers are over or under-billing, and if they're on track for completion. Viewpoint Team improves project manager data self-sufficiency by providing job costs and billing actuals without resorting to complicated query-driven reporting or having to rely on accounting or finance for timely data." Visit our website to learn more about how Spectrum can help with your company's construction reporting, visit our website at: