Construction Change Orders

Streamline the change order process and keep projects on track and under budget

Fully-integrated with job cost, Viewpoint construction change orders software updates subcontractors and billing in realtime to make sure work is completed and costs are monitored to keep projects profitable.

How do change orders really affect contractors today?

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Scope of Work Disputes

Project scope can be a contentious area between owners and general contractors. When change orders happen, it’s difficult to know if the change falls inside or outside the scope of work.

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Unclear Change Order Reasoning

There’s no chain of custody for documents and communications that initialized the change order such as RFIs, ASIs, submittal changes, owner directives, etc.

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Missing Expenditure Approvals

It can be difficult to manage and understand jobsite and field spending when a formal approvals process isn't in place.

Viewpoint Gives You the Power of Proactive Change Order Management to Optimize Your Profit Potential

Improve your end-to-end change order management workflow, tracking and approvals with fully integrated construction change order tracking as part of Trimble Construction One.

Accurate Change Order Tracking

It’s easy to follow a change order’s course through the system with Trimble Construction One. Get realtime visibility of where a change order started, what initiated the change order as well as approvals and subcontractor performance in one centralized database.

One System for an Unbroken Audit Trail

When change orders happen, it’s easy to know if the change falls inside or outside the scope of work, where issues occurred and what approvals are missing by auditing the change order journey within the single, integrated suite.

End-to-End Workflow with Strong Controls

Viewpoint smooths the typically complicated change order process by providing the tools for managing the change early, communicating with the owner, tracking approvals, monitoring project progress and viewing the metrics to ensure the project stays profitable.

Streamline Your Change Order Process

Contact us to learn how our construction change order management software adds automation and visibility to your change order management process.

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