Take on the Construction Labor Shortage

As business disruptions are becoming even more commonplace, contractors need the right tools to secure great talent and overcome the construction labor shortage.

Why Does the Construction Labor Shortage Exist?

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Uncertainty During Uncertain Times

From complex project demands to new safety measures like social distancing, it can be tough to understand these demands with disconnected and manual processes.

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Lack of Construction Technology

Younger generations are tech-savvy, and they want careers paths that match their interests. These future employees are likely to seek jobs at technology based organizations.

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Slow Manual Hiring Process

Without a digital process that tracks applicant status in real time, confusion exists among applicants trying to apply for a job—HR struggles to quickly hire new construction employees.

Your organization can beat the construction labor shortage with the right integrated, cloud software.

Trimble Construction One is robust construction software built specifically for recruiting, tracking and hiring employees in the construction industry—software built to help close the labor shortage gap even during significant business disruptions.

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Viewpoint has allowed us to have more quality conversations with new hires. At the same time, it shrunk down the time to input because it populated the fields for us.

Maryanne Henn, HR Director, Tellepsen Builders

Get Technical with Technology

Trimble Construction One includes an easy hiring and recruiting process that will encourage new generations to apply for jobs within your organization. The HR Management function streamlines the application process— allowing your organization to easily manage the employee life cycle.

Empower Employees and Debunk the Reputation

Give your employees the ability to choose their own benefits, see their paycheck stubs, refer future employees and keep track of their training. This reduces HR requests and give employees the information they need when they need it—building your organization’s reputation as a digital powerhouse.

Speed Up the Hiring Process

A faster hiring process means quick results. With construction software specifically built to track the application process, construction organizations easily view and monitor hiring steps of without using slow manual processes.

Use Viewpoint to Close the Construction Labor Shortage Gap

Reduce labor costs, speed up the hiring process, empower employees —all while removing time-consuming HR tasks. Connect your managers and staff directly to your accounting system

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