Construction Invoicing & Billing

AP invoice approval and AR billing with backup workflow processes drive efficiency and risk mitigation

From automated AR billing to improved invoicing workflows, Viewpoint's construction invoicing and billing solutions speed up productivity and reduce errors across these essential job costing tasks.

What invoicing and billing challenges do contractors face?

Solution Painpoint Icon Timesheet

Slow Invoice Approval Processes

Without a seamless, automated way to upload and view invoices, coding changes and approvals can become a very time intensive process.

Solutions Painpoint Icon Power User

Inefficient Invoicing without Data Access

Access to important job cost data is necessary for accurate billing and invoicing. Making decisions without timely data is inefficient and a sure recipe for invoicing errors.

Solution Painpoint Icon Two Gears

Manual Processes Slowing Productivity

Manual invoicing and billing workflows are often unable to keep up with the complexity and number of invoices waiting to be processed, which slows down billing and increases errors.

Improve Billing Workflows with Viewpoint's Construction Invoicing And Billing Solutions

Viewpoint construction invoicing and billing solutions are designed to help contractors elevate their invoicing and billing processes. Featuring automated AR billing and improved invoicing workflows, ViewpointOne can streamline billing for any forward-thinking contractor.

Gain Productivity with Automated Invoice Approvals

Automate AP invoice approval — easily upload and view invoices as well as enabling efficient coding changes and approvals for project managers.

Access Critical Data Necessary for Accurate Invoicing

Get faster access to important, realtime job cost data to make smarter decisions and enable accurate invoicing.

Automate Workflows for Efficient Invoicing & Billing

ViewpointOne automates workflows for invoicing and billing by moving invoices through the system faster. From AP clerk invoice uploads to approvals from project managers to payment, ViewpointOne streamlines the entire process.

The Viewpoint Difference is Clear

Viewpoint construction invoicing and billing solutions speeds up productivity with automated workflows built on realtime data. Let us show you how.

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