Equipment Management in Construction

Increase the longevity of your equipment investments

Impact your bottom line with a modern construction software solution like ViewpointOne to easily track equipment usage and maintenance.

What's Stopping Construction Organisations from Getting the Most Out of Their Equipment Investment?

Solution Painpoint Icon Clipboard

Tracking Issues

Inefficient usage tracking leads to inaccurate job cost, mismanaged projects and profitability skewed in the wrong direction.

Solution Painpoint Icon Dumptruck

Irregular Equipment Maintenance

Without a surefire way to maintain maintenance schedules, it’s difficult to ensure the care and function of your investments.

Solution Painpoint Icon Wrench And Screwdriver

Under/Over Billing

Lack of process for documenting equipment usage means often usage isn't accurately captured against the job, leading to over or under billing and skewing project financials.

Manage Equipment's Unique Needs with ViewpointOne, Specifically Built for Construction

The modern ViewpointOne construction management suite can help easily track equipment usage, maintenance and show how it impacts your bottom line — helping you make better business decisions.

Track Equipment Smarter

With Viewpoint's construction software suite, you can digitally track operating costs by easily assigning equipment spend to jobs or projects. Estimating future projects becomes easier and more accurate.

Before Viewpoint, our equipment tracking basically amounted to asking our shop manager ‘how much do you think it costs to keep this piece of equipment?’ It was basically guessing at our equipment costs.

John Friedel, CEO, Baldwin Paving

Know Your ROI

By using construction-focused software to connect equipment costs directly to your construction projects, you can see how much it costs to manage your machinery. This also leads to improved estimating, smarter investments, better managed jobs and greater profitability.

Gain Back Control and Avoid Project Delays

Get the most out of your equipment by digitally tracking maintenance history so everyone stays in the know. Equipment operators know ahead of time when maintenance is scheduled or a repair is needed, helping keep projects running towards completion.

Better Equipment Management Software Built from the Ground Up

Viewpoint has an equipment tracking solution for everyone. Contact us below to learn more.

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