Construction Estimating

Bid smarter and win more projects with accurate construction estimating supported by realtime data

By collecting accurate data throughout projects, you can stay on time, under budget and use that data to gain an edge when estimating your next project.

What’s causing estimating software to fall short for builders?

Solution Painpoint Icon Computer Towers

Lack of Accurate Project Data

Not having a way to leverage data gathered from previous projects makes accurate estimating difficult and staying profitable even harder.

Solution Painpoint Icon Two Gears

Manual Workflows Slowing Things Down

Estimating is difficult without an integrated project management system to easily gather and share data from pre-construction to project completion.

Solution Painpoint Icon Wallet Folder

No Early Visibility into Cost Overruns

Profits start in preconstruction. Without reporting on project data during construction – builders are missing the actual vs. estimate cost overruns, which can impact profitability.

Win Projects and Boost Profitability with Construction Estimating Software Backed By Realtime Construction Data

Builders can save money by refining efforts in the early stages. Leveraging data collected throughout the project with smart, construction-specific apps can confirm and improve estimating fast.

Refine Estimates and Win More Bids

Construction estimating is easier, more accurate and more profitable when backed by real construction data. Collecting accurate data throughout projects with an integrated solution helps builders gain an edge when estimating.

Avoid Errors and Stay Profitable

Track the health of your projects from the beginning with early, sharable reporting that can spot potential cost overruns before they happen and provide the data for smarter estimating.

Automate Workflows Improve Estimating Accuracy

Viewpoint’s integrated project management system helps builders gather and share data from pre-construction to project completion, powering the estimating process with speed and accuracy.

More Accurate, Profitable Estimating

The absolute best way to win more bids, improve the accuracy of estimates and stay profitable on projects is by analysing real construction data. Let us show you how.

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