JB Henderson Consolidates Steps, Saves Time for Accounting Department

Using Vista

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Established in 1959, J. B. Henderson Construction Company, Inc. embraces the evolution of technology for service expansion and internal processes for their staff.

With 58 years of experience, more than 300 employees and several office locations in the southwest, JBH relies on Vista™ by Viewpoint and Cosential as its Client Relationship Manager (CRM) and Proposal Automation tool of choice.

Prior to the integration of Cosential and Viewpoint, I would have to go to several places to get the data needed... Now I can run my own data inquiries.

Melissa Gomez, Corporate Support Manager

Time is Money

JBH notes several ways in which having both Vista and Cosential in place has saved significant amounts of time. Project names, as an example, when not created with an adhered naming convention, can have subjective and infinite possibilities of style. Having Cosential’s intuitive proximity and phonetic matching search tool used to inquiry project records synched with Vista make finding and reporting data from projects extremely fast.

The Financial Data Connector (FDC) has been a crucial time saver that amalgamates accounting data points to provide a single pane of glass for staff. Resume creation, among other tasks rely on financial data for viability and accuracy. Being able to summon schedule information within Cosential for RFP response has saved up to 3 hours on average per proposal. Melissa Gomez of JBH states, “If I focused on one task, up to 3-5 hours per proposal of data mining, it really adds up to all other departments that would be touched as organizational time savings if I didn’t have that connection.”

Breaking Down Silos of Data

Data traditionally siloed within departments such as finance is now accessible to those in cross-functional roles when needed, preventing the need for finance to pull reports for marketing when responding to RFPs. “RFPs are so unpredictable – one can ask 20 questions, another 50, and you can rarely pre-plan what is important to the owner,” Gomez says. “I like to have the flexibility so that I can log into a project and see schedule information, when it starts, ends, budget, subcontractors, team, etc.”

By allowing data to flow between their CRM and Vista, JBH breaks down silos of data between departments. Marketers responding to RFPs have quick and useful access to vital information that prevents unnecessary delays in their workflows, as well as prevents others from having to reactively invest their resources of time and expertise when needed.

JB Henderson recently responded to an RFQ released by local government. An obvious data point was to report back details regarding their public project experience. Using a report based on records synchronized between Vista and Cosential, JBH was quickly able to pull and repackage a report from Cosential that showed details needed such as hours, personnel, and other information specific to their work on public projects.

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