Viewpoint (en-CA)

Trimble Construction One Cloud Technology

A World Class Global Infrastructure—This is Viewpoint in the Cloud

Trimble Construction One is a highly functional cloud technology that is backed by Microsoft Azure—making managing your construction organization secure while reducing the IT burden and increasing mobility.

Gain Access to Construction Projects from Anywhere at Anytime with Cloud Technology

Solution Painpoint Icon Wrench And Screwdriver

Reduce IT Time and Spend

Viewpoint does most of the heavy lifting. From infrastructure management to security.

Solution Painpoint Icon Secure Lock

Data is Safe and Secure

Microsoft Azure datacenters are highly secure and keep your data safe from natural disasters.

Solution Painpoint Icon Big Launch

Fast Deployment

Cloud-based services can be deployed within an hour or a few days.

Enhance Performance and Privacy Across Your Construction Organization

Trimble Construction One runs as a private, single-tenant cloud implementation. This provides a secure, isolated environment with an allocated set of resources, enhancing performance and privacy.

Secure Access to Construction Projects with Single Sign On

End users get quick and easy access to all the required resources while no longer having to jot down usernames and passwords-mitigating security risks. Grant users access to applications for which they have the right of entry

Stay Modern with the Latest and Greatest Features and Updates

SaaS business applications enable construction organizations to seamlessly receive updates, upgrades and new functionality as soon as they are ready.

Learn how moving to Viewpoint cloud architecture can accelerate your business and streamline IT processes.

From the office to the jobsite, our product experts are ready to answer your questions. Learn more about Trimble Construction One cloud technology.

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