Customer Stories

KS Industries Speeds Up Processes, Boosts Productivity With Viewpoint HR and Field Management Solutions

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KS INDUSTRIES SPEEDS UP PROCESSES, BOOSTS PRODUCTIVITY AND SAVES MONEY WITH VIEWPOINT HR MANAGEMENT AND VIEWPOINT FIELD MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Bakersfield, Calif.-based KS Industries, LP, formed in 1960, has grown into a leading provider of engineering, fabrication, integrated maintenance and construction services, serving as a relationship-based, single source provider in the energy sector. The company serves several industries, including upstream oil and gas production, natural gas treating and transportation, refining, co-generation, heavy industrial and all types of pipelines. C A S E S T U D Y CHALLENGES ∫ Manual processes took significant amount of time to reconcile ∫ A dependency on paper and printing was cost ineffective ∫ Missing data and errors led to headaches in administrative management ∫ Company could not move in directions it wanted to with regard to pay schedules and standardization SOLUTION ∫ Implementation of the Viewpoint HR Management solution automated processes ∫ Extended Viewpoint Field Management automation of processes to field teams ∫ Created standardized processes and employee management portal for workers to self-serve needs RESULTS ∫ Significant time savings gained from automation of payroll and HR processes ∫ Immediate $25,000 in cost savings by moving to paperless operating environment and reduction in time and resources to facilitate manual paperwork ∫ Mitigation of errors, missing documentation and other pitfalls that could hold up work and pay ∫ Competitive edge gained in attracting skilled labor due to weekly pay schedule

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