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CHALLENGE With thousands of miles of roadway to maintain and multiple projects going on at any given time, the ACHD employs and manages a large number of workers and staff. The organization knew it needed a better way to facilitate time entry between the field and office, as well as streamline other HR-related and workplace processes to add efficiency. ACHD IT Business Analyst Ken Cooney said the district, a Viewpoint Vista client since 2012, had an in- house system for human resources and a homegrown database. To facilitate time entry, it was necessary to export and upload CSV spreadsheet files and the process required a significant amount of manual data entry. "We really needed something that would integrate and make time entry easier," Cooney said. "When you've got to hand key all those timesheets, it's a long day." We now have easy, intuitive solutions that are web- based so it's a familiar interface for users. This really was a dream come true for us." -Ken Cooney , Business IT Analyst, ACHD

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