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ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT GAINS TIME, IMPROVES EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION AND STREAMLINES PROCESSES WITH VISTA AND INTEGRATED VIEWPOINT SOLUTIONS The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) is the only countywide highway district in Idaho and manages all of the public streets in Ada County and its six cities, with the exception of state roads. Located in Garden City, Idaho, the government agency was established in the early 1970s as an independent government entity by a vote of the people. Today, the ACHD maintains almost 2,400 centerline miles of road, which equates to more than 5,000 lane miles. C A S E S T U D Y CHALLENGES ∫ Labor-intensive time management that relied on spreadsheets and manual processes ∫ Cumbersome workflow between field and office for unapproved invoices and purchase orders ∫ Lack of integration between construction ERP and other third-party time management options SOLUTION ∫ To automate time entry, ACHD implemented Viewpoint Field Management ∫ Expanded use of Viewpoint HR Management, Viewpoint Field Management and Viewpoint Financial Controls to meet growing departmental needs, including streamlining unapproved invoices and purchase orders RESULTS ∫ Gained back 32 hours/month on manual time entry processes ∫ Employee satisfaction with company processes has increased as time has been regained through automation ∫ Improved efficiencies, leading to a reduction in errors across the district's office and field operations ∫ Delivered peace of mind via a safety net of data backups within Viewpoint products

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