Drag-and-Drop Line-Level Attachments Now Available for Vista

When it comes to software, the better the interface and functionality, the better the end user experience. For years, processing data within software programs meant navigating complicated menu screens and manually entering information line by line, similar to spreadsheets. Though effective, this could often be a time-consuming processes for end users. That’s changing as leading-edge software programs today that process data are implementing new features that allow users to import data and drag and drop files directly into fields to streamline things like invoices, reports and more.
These drag-and-drop features continue to be a focus of consistent improvement with our Viewpoint Vista construction ERP software. Our Vista 6.19 release improves construction accounting processes by including drag and drop features for attachments to line level records for cost entry and expense report invoice creation. For example, whereas in the past an attachment for a credit card statement could only live at the header level when creating report or a bill connected to a job, now these attachments can live at the transaction line level, providing better control and insight into all project-related costs.
Watch this short video for a demonstration:
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