Construction Best Practices

Subcontractor Reputation: Delivering Snag-Free Projects


When you’re growing a subcontracting business, the best thing you can do is build long-term relationships. Repeat clients who come back to you time and again are the bread and butter you need to scale up your company, and the more people who see you as their go-to specialist, the better.

One of the most important things you can do to get a reputation as a reliable company is to make sure your projects are delivered on time and snag-free. So let’s look at snagging construction in a little more detail.

Understanding Snagging: What Is Snagging and Why Is it Important?

Even if you don’t know the term “snagging" in construction, you’ve probably done it many times.

Snagging in construction is the process of identifying problems and non-conformances at the end of a job, so they can be completed and remedied before the project is handed over to the client.

What is a Snag List?

If you’re a painter, this might mean finding all those spots where you need touch-ups or cleaning up paint spills and splashes. Roofers might need to trim and bend back parts of their flashings or finish sealing parts of their installed roof. Little things make the difference between getting a job done and getting it done right.

Most of the tasks that will make it onto your snag list aren’t time-consuming or difficult, but they are necessary to ensure that you hand over a project that meets the client’s expectations and specifications.

Often, this process is part of a client’s role on site, and they will usually inspect your work with your foreman or representative so that everyone agrees on what still needs to be done. However, it’s important to note that even if you don’t participate in creating a snag list, you are still liable for completing it if you want to avoid disputes and maintain your reputation.

5 Ways Snagging Can Improve Your Reputation

We don’t always think of construction snagging as something that can improve our reputation in the industry, but if you do it right, it can absolutely make a huge difference. When you do your snagging right, you’ll get several benefits, including:

  1. Getting a reputation for a proactive approach – you'll always look more responsible and reliable when your clients don’t have to point out non-conformances or go through complex dispute processes to get things done.
  2. More detail, fewer mistakes – a thorough snagging list using snagging software allows you to capture more detail and keep track of what has been done and still needs to be done. Attention to detail always reflects well on you and your team!
  3. Better communication and collaboration – when your clients always know what’s happening and don’t have to phone or email endlessly to get things done, that’s great for your reputation.
  4. Quicker project handover – we all know that clients won’t process our final account until all of the items on the snag list are taken care of. Using snagging software to manage the process can help you to get everything signed off faster.
  5. Quality assurance and control – we all want to be proud to put our names on our projects. Better snagging in construction makes it harder to miss important details, creates workflows with accountability, and ensures that everything gets completed the way it should be.

Quality Workmanship Is the Best Kind of Advertising

Perhaps the most important reason to pay attention to snagging in construction (and why not doing that is one of the most damaging construction project mistakes to avoid) is that the best form of marketing is the work you deliver.

You might not have the slickest salespeople. Your website might need a little work, and your crews might not have the best work vehicles. But when you always hand over a job that meets and exceeds expectations, your phone will always keep ringing.